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TestAS 2022-23: Aptitude Test for International Students in Germany

TestAS 2022-23: Aptitude Test for International Students in Germany
Amarnath pratapwarOct 7, 2022
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What is TestAS?

TestAS is a German standardized aptitude test. It is designed to assess the intellectual and cognitive abilities of students looking to study undergraduate programs in Germany. TestAS is short for Test für Ausländische Studierende (or Test for foreign students). The test scores are submitted to German universities as a criterion for admissions. It can be taken in English or German languages. It is conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Who should take the aptitude test?

TestAS is specifically aimed at international students who plan on studying in Germany. Test takers must be from non-EU countries. There is no age limit placed on the test takers. However, students must have completed their high school or must be in the last year of their secondary school.

Benefits of the test

To German universities

TestAS is a form of selection criteria for universities. German universities have the opportunity to compare students’ abilities in a standardized way. The test assesses a student’s suitability for the program, regardless of their home country and grading system.

To non-EU students

The Aptitude test presents some benefits to the students as well. Test-takers have the chance to determine their areas of strength. The test acts as a guide to choosing the best-suited undergraduate programs in Germany. Students also get a fair idea about their prospects of completing their undergraduate studies successfully. The test provides a platform for students to compare their scores with others. Based on the TestAS scores, it is easy to estimate a student’s academic progress with confidence.

Which universities accept aptitude test scores?

German universities that have incorporated TestAS into their admissions procedures recognize the certificate. The weighting of the TestAS results for admissions differs for each university. Below is a list of some universities that are known to consider aptitude scores during admissions. Students are encouraged to clarify with their preferred universities if the test is taken into account for admissions. 

University Additional Information
University of Cologne Only applications with TestAS results are accepted.
RWTH Aachen University Mandatory for Human Medicine program or for the Fast Track Bachelor admission program for Engineering.
University of Bremen Only applications with TestAS results are accepted for business programs (Business Administration and Economics).
Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg Mandatory for Human Medicine program applications.
University of Greifswald Mandatory for applications to the study program of Human and Dental Medicine.
University of Hamburg Applicants receive bonus points for their HZB score based on the TestAS results.
Johannes Guttenberg University of Mainz Applicants receive bonus points for their HZB score based on the TestAS results.
University of Heidelberg TestAS is optional and holds a minor value for admissions.
Dresden University of Technology  TestAS results acts as additional proof of ability for admissions to the Human and Dental Medicine programs.
University of Ulm Applicants receive bonus points for their HZB score based on the TestAS results.
University of Freiburg Applicants receive bonus points for their HZB score based on the TestAS results.
University of Göttingen TestAS is optional.
University of Leipzig Applicants receive bonus points for their HZB score based on the TestAS results.
University of Potsdam Applicants with TestAS receive an edge over other applicants.
University of Regensburg TestAS results are considered for programs in Economic Sciences
Berlin School of Economics and Law Applicants receive bonus points (depending on the test results) for the Economic Sciences program.
University of Applied Sciences Mittweida Application with TestAS is assessed positively.
Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics Leipzig (HfTL) TestAS is optional.
University of Wuppertal (BUW) Good scores are seen as proof of suitability for a bachelor’s program.
Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH)  Applicants with above-average scores can apply for technical subjects
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Any of the three test results are accepted: TestAS, ACT, or SAT. 

Test Structure

Modules of the test

The test takes place in two ways: digital or paper-based. It consists of the following modules:

Language Test: Students will be tested on their German language skills (up to B1 level).

Core Test: Tests the general cognitive abilities relevant to university courses.

Subject-specific Tests: These measure abilities particularly relevant to courses of study in specific study areas. You can choose from four (paper-based) or six (digital) subject-specific modules:

  • Humanities, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, Politics, Philosophy, Historical Service, Law, (paper-based and digital)
  • Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Mechatronics, Civil, Automotive, Environmental, Chemical (paper-based and digital)
  • Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, (paper-based and digital)
  • Economics, Business, Management (paper-based and digital)
  • Medicine, Psychology, Pharmacology (digital)

TestAS further describes what some subject modules will test the students on.

Module Subtests
Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences Module Understanding and Interpreting Texts, Using Representation Systems Flexibly, Recognising Linguistic Structures (22 questions in each subtest)
Engineering Module Formalizing Technical Interrelationships (22 questions), Visualizing Solids (26 questions), Analyzing Technical Interrelationships (22 questions)
Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Module Analyzing Scientific Interrelationships, Understanding Formal Depictions (22 questions in each subtest)
Economics Module Analyzing Economic Interrelationships, Analyzing Processes (22 questions in each subtest)

Test Duration

  • Language Module: 30 minutes
  • Core Test Module: 110 minutes
  • Subject-Specific Module: 150 minutes

Points to remember

Other key details about the test are listed below.

  • In the digital mode, students can choose from six instead of four subjects for the Subject-Specific Test.
  • The duration of the paper-based mode is about 4.5 hours including a 30-minute break. The digital TestAS takes about 3.5 hours. 
  • The test is available in English and German languages.
  • Students must attempt the Core Test as well as one Subject-Specific Module.
  • The choice of Subject-Specific Module depends on the program that they wish to apply to at a German University. 
  • Some universities specify which subject-specific module the student must have attempted for their undergraduate programs. 
  • Universities also specify in which language the student must have taken the test.
  • The validity of the certificate is unlimited.
  • Students must have at least B1 level of proficiency in the German language to clear the language module of the test.

TestAS Dates for 2022-2023

TestAS 2022

Registration period Test date Format
31 May to 15 September 2022 22 October 2022 (TestAS048) Paper-based
5 September to 14 November 2022 22 November 2022 Digital

TestAS 2023

Registration period Test date Format
24 November 2022 to 12 January 2023 23 February 2023 (TestAS049) Paper-based
7 February to 7 March 2023 15 March 2023 Digital
13 January to 10 March 2023 22 April 2023 (TestAS050) Paper-based
28 April to 26 May 2023 3 June 2023 Digital
28 July to 15 September 2023 21 October 2023 (TestAS051) Paper-based
25 October to 22 November 2023 30 November 2023 Digital

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TestAS is held three times a year. Both digital and paper-based modes of the test are held three times.

TestAS is held in German and English. Universities usually specify which TestAS language they prefer. Students must choose the language accordingly.

TestAS can be taken by international students (non-EU). Students must have completed high school or must be in the final year of secondary school to be eligible.

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